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Amelia took the group out again and this time, Moses has grown up into a man and was walking around the land. He saw an Egyptian taskmaster beating a Hebrew. After making sure no one was around, he killed the Egpytian. Moses thought he got away with it but the next day, Pharaoh found out and so he ran away to Midian.

Moses had tried to save the Hebrews in his own strength, and so it fails. When we do things in our own strength, that's sin.

Moses spent 40 years in Midian. He got married, had kids and worked as a sheperd. One day, Moses saw a bush that was on fire, but it wasn't burning up. He turned to look at it and God spoke from it. God told Moses that He saw the oppression of the Hebrews and was going to send Moses to talk to Pharaoh. God would do things, through Moses. However, Moses was focused on himself and how there was no way he could do anything. God told Moses that He would be the one to do everything.

From that, Amelia and Sherry talked about how no matter how hard we try, we can't be holy. We can try and act like it but that still doesn't make us holy. Only God can make us holy.